Show up. Tell the truth.
Ask for help.
Transforming parenting, partnering, and treatment for wounded families
The professionals at the Family Recovery Institute (FRI) provide healing and hope for individuals, couples, and families battling addiction and/or mental illness. We are a multi-disciplinary clinic located in San Rafael, CA (Marin County) in the San Francisco Bay Area. We meet family members individually, as couples, and as groups of parents with children of any age. Our goal is to examine together, and thereby shift, the family system toward wellness, stability, sustainability, and health. We’ve proven that even just one member of a family can produce systemic change! Please peruse our website to learn more about our treatment model and approaches we employ, the workshops we offer, our founder, and the training services we provide to clinicians working with wounded families at any level of care.

Psychotherapy and consultation makes possible life-changing healing and learning. Clients describe how feeling understood, accepted and treated makes the difference.
Join us for in-person or remote Individual family sessions, Our in-person parent support group is in its 12th year. These offer hope and healing.
Young Adults
Post-teens, ages 18-35, face enormous challenges in today’s world. We offer family and individual services to help navigate.
Dr. Perlmutter’s approach has helped hundreds of clinicians hone their therapeutic skills and create effective family programs and practices.
“I understand more about the commonalities of families struggling with a family member with mental illness or addiction. I see more clearly how we all fit into the equation. I see the path for my own recovery and the importance of putting the focus on connection with my sister versus monitoring her. Definitely recommend Dr. Perlmutter and his team for all family members.”
Meet Our Team
Dr. Kenneth Perlmutter, Family Systems Psychologist, brings more than 30 years’ experience to lead FRI’s dedicated clinical team and pro-vide direct services.
Dr. Perlmutter’s 2019 book, Freedom from Family Dysfunction is now available in paperback from Amazon.com!
Dr. Kenneth Perlmutter, a California psychologist with 30-plus years in the field, and the founder of the Family Recovery Institute in Marin County, has written Freedom from Family Dysfunction specifically for family members who love someone battling addiction or mental illness to break the cycles of codependency and relapse plaguing their dysfunctional systems. The combination of compelling vignettes, lively dialogues, and step-by-step instructions makes this guidebook an indispensable tool for the parents, partners, adult children, and the clinicians who treat them, to heal the powerlessness, pain, and impossibility of life with someone they’ve been trying to help, sometimes for decades.
Dr. Perlmutter takes a systemic and inter-generational view, combining current knowledge with his deep personal experience of addiction and family dysfunction to guide readers toward understanding their family systems, their positions in them, the forces that keep things stuck, and a way out.
“Dr. P. is changing the way we think about and approach families. His is a voice we all can and need to hear.” – Dr. Claudia Black, Ph.D., Author, It Will Never Happen to Me and its sequel Changing Course
“[Freedom from Family Dysfunction is] essential for those whose family dynamics are in disarray and who wish to develop healthy relationships.” – The Library Journal